Presented Feb. 1 and 2, 2017, By Claudia Laws
BCIU 169 Precision Language
Presented Jan. 11 and 12, 2017, by Sue McMillin
BCIU 168 Data Reporting
Presented by Shane Benjamin Nov. 16 and 17, 2016
BCIU 142 – Audio recording
BCIU 142 hosted by Shaun Stanley on Oct. 26, 2016.
News Site Redesign training materials
NSR layout overview – Printable (8.5 x 11)
NSR layout overview – Full
NSR training slideshow
BCIU 159: Saxotech training, newsroom gains and Amy says goodbye
Presented Aug. 10, 2016, by Amy Maestas
BCIU 158: Diving into analytics
Presented July 19 and 21 by Claudia Laws
BCIU Design
Presented July 7, 2016, by David Holub
BCIU 145 Advertising
Presented June 21, 2016 by Claudia Laws.
BCIU 157: Breaking news
Classes were held June 14 and 16, 2016. Presented by Sue McMillin.
DurangoHerald and online
May 31, 2016
BCI University 115: How do I do it all?
Classes were held May 11 and 13, 2016. Presented by Claudia Laws.
BCI University 114: Live Video
Classes were held May 3 and 5, 2016. Presented by Claudia Laws.
BCI University 113B: Live Tweeting
Class was held April 21, 2016. Presented by Claudia Laws.
Tips for live tweeting
Live tweeting standards are very similar, no matter if the event is a game, a press conference, breaking news or a trial.
Before you go
• Follow the people you know will be there (speakers, participants, etc.) Engage with them before the event starts and know their handles for when you are tweeting.
• Let your followers know that you will be live tweeting.
• Know the event’s #hashtag
• Do we need to set up a widget on the website?
During the event
Our goal during the event is to help followers feel like they are at the event.
• Give people a sense of place. What’s the scene like, how are people acting?
• Engage all five senses as you compose your tweets – smells, sights, sounds, etc.
• Use at least one hashtag, ideally one associate with the event, so people can easily find your tweets, either in the moment or after the fact.
• Keep an eye out for trends, key moments, or shifts in momentum or mood. Share these observations.
• Use quotes. Obama: “We will not give up in this fight against terror.”
• Connect with others: respond to @replies, DMs, etc.
• What’s the lede of the story? Put that in 140 characters or less. What’s the lede five minutes later? Ditto.
• If you can’t fit everything in one tweet, start with one, and add a follow-up tweet with additional context. While this technique should be kept to a minimum, don’t shy away from something just because it’s complex.
• When writing your tweets, picture an editor looking over your shoulder, continuously chopping off unnecessary words to make it more concise. Keep them as short as possible and only include the most pertinent info.
• Be visual: add photos, short videos or Periscope moments from the event.
• Be interesting.
After the event
• Continue to engage with the players from the event.
• Tweet your final story with a link and photo, so readers can see the final product.
BCI University 113A: More headline writing
Class was held April 19, 2016. Presented by Claudia Laws.
BCI University 112: Headline writing drill in
Class was held April 13 and 15, 2016. Presented by Claudia Laws.
BCI University 111: Sending breaking news alerts
Class was held April 5, 2016. Presented by Amy Maestas and Claudia Laws.
BCI University 110: Why linking is important and how to in Saxotech
Classes were held March 22 and 24, 2016. Presented by Amy Maestas
BCI University 109
BCI University 109: Headline writing with long-tail keywords
Classes were held March 22 and 24, 2016. Presented by Claudia Laws
BCI University 108: How to shoot a headshot (and news photographs) with your smartphone
Classes were held March 15 and 17, 2016. Presented by Claudia Laws