Category Archives: General tutorials

How to send an email alert for Durango Herald

1. Go to Saxotech
2. Go to Editorial dropdown/Hit New Newsletter
3. Change template to: DH News Alert
4. Filter stories to find story alert is being sent on
5. Move story over to right box
6. Type in a title for the alert above right-side box
7. Under “Receiver Selection,” hit Breaking News group and move to right-side box
8. Under date/time, set for “Send now”
9. At top right, hit “Save” JUST ONCE : Nothing will happen, but don’t hit save again. It can take 10 minutes to send. Check it under Editorial/Newsletters to make sure it’s in the process of sending.

How to send a text alert

1. Log on to (Login: thedurangoherald; Pass: BallComm1nc)
2. Click on “send message”
3. Write in a description header for text
4. Click normal blast and check text message box
5. Message type: One-time message to distribution lists
6. Under Report Manager, scroll to dhnews
7. Click “Compose message”
8. Go to story on Herald site and copy url
9. Go to and shorten the url (Make sure to double-check it!)
10. Under compose message, type in message after “Durango Herald:” followed by “See story at” and place url after.
11. Click “Select recipients” button and select Durango Herald News by moving it to the box on the right
12. Click “Preview and send” button
13. Check the message near the bottom to make sure it’s accurate.
14. Agree to the terms by checking little box
15. Click send at the bottom right corner