Using this method, you don’t have to be on Twitter to see a breaking news tweet.
- Download the Twitter app on your phone. This has to be the Twitter app, not Hootsuite or Tweetdeck.
- Open app, sign in and search for the Twitter accounts listed below.
- If you are not already following them, click ‘follow’ and then click the person icon to the left of the ‘follow’ button
- Click ‘Turn on notifications’ (You may have to go into your phone settings and allow Twitter to send you notifications before it will let you do this.)
@DurangoFire – DFRA
@LPC_OEM – La Plata County Office of Emergency Management
@SanJuanNF – Ann Bond’s account
@CSP_News – Colorado State Patrol’s public affairs account
@ColoradoDOT – CDOT
@swcoredcross – SW Colorado Red Cross
@inciweb – this one is hit or miss because it posts fires from across the country